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Showing posts from October, 2020
Opinion by  George T. Conway III Contributing columnist Oct. 26, 2020 at 9:51 a.m. PDT Add to list I  believe ,  more than ever , in the president. I believe Sleepy Joe Biden and that “ monster ” Kamala D. Harris would turn America into a “ socialist hellhole ,” and we’d all have “ to speak Chinese .” I believe they “ want to take out the cows ” and “ any form of animals .” There will be “ no airplanes,” they’ll “rip down the Empire State Building ,” and we’ll only have “ little, tiny windows .” I believe Sleepy Joe leads an “ organized crime family .” I believe he and President Barack Obama committed “ the greatest political crime in the history of our country ,” and it will be “ a very sad, sad situation ” if the attorney general doesn’t indict them. I believe Hunter Biden is a criminal, because someone  got hold of  his “laptop from hell,” and because of  some guy named Bobulinski , whoever he is. I believe Fake News  reporters are also criminals  because they won’t report this. I b