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Showing posts from September, 2021

The Big Lie

Joseph Goebbels: On the “Big Lie” Category » Joseph Goebbels Reference Biography Quotes & Speeches On the “Big Lie” The Racial Question & World Propaganda Nuremberg Rally On the Boycott of Jews On National-Socialism & Democracy The Jews are Guilty! On the Jewish Question Plea for Clothing for Troops on Russian Front On the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt The War and the Jews On the “Jewish Program” in Hungary Join our mailing list Support JVL Donate Joseph Goebbels: Table of Contents | Biography | On the Jewish Question “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” This is an exce

The Four Americas

Skip to content Site Navigation Popular Latest Sign In Subscribe Four different illustrated stars in red and blue Lucy Jones Ideas How America Fractured Into Four Parts People in the United States no longer agree on the nation’s purpose, values, history, or meaning. Is reconciliation possible? By George Packer July/August 2021 Issue Nations, like individuals, tell stories in order to understand what they are, where they come from, and what they want to be. National narratives, like personal ones, are prone to sentimentality, grievance, pride, shame, self-blindness. There is never just one—they compete and constantly change. The most durable narratives are not the ones that stand up best to fact-checking. They’re the ones that address our deepest needs and desires. Americans know by now that democracy depends on a baseline of shared reality—when facts become fungible, we’re lost. But just as no one can live a happy and productive life in nonstop self-criticism, nati

Trump is a Human Void

BoingBoing SEARCH STORE Trump is a human void Rob Beschizza 11:30 am Wed Aug 23, 2017 Talking of Trump's beliefs is pointless, because there are none. The barking comedy of his speeches and statements goes nowhere because "he cannot understand anyone's response to them except as it relates to him." David Roth in The Baffler: Trump doesn't know anything or really believe anything about any topic beyond himself, because he has no interest in any topic beyond himself; his evident cognitive decline and hyperactive laziness and towering monomania ensure that he will never again learn a new thing in his life. He has no friends and no real allies; his inner circle is divided between ostensibly scandalized cynics and theatrically shameless ones, all of whom hold him in low regard and see him as a potential means to their individuated ends. There is no help on the way; his outer orbit is a rotation of replacement-level rage-grandpas and defective, perpetually clamm

CA 6th in Happiness

Happiest States in America Adam McCann, Financial WriterSep 22, 2020 Happiness comes from a combination of internal and external factors. We can influence it somewhat by approaching situations positively or choosing to spend time with people we love, doing activities we enjoy. Some years, it’s harder to be happy than others, though. In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it, causing sickness, limiting social interactions and leading to widespread job losses. During these trials, which have had a strong negative impact on Americans’ mental health, WalletHub searched for the states where people can stay positive despite the circumstances. In this study, WalletHub drew upon the findings of “happiness” research to determine which environmental factors are linked to a person’s overall well-being and satisfaction with life. Previous studies have found that good economic, emotional, physical and social health are all key to a well-balanced and fulfilled life. To dete

US Senate--In about 20 Years

This article is more than 1 year old Politics In about 20 years, half the population will live in eight states The Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center in New York on March 16, 2016. (Justin Lane/EPA) By Philip Bump July 12, 2018 In response to Post opinion writer Paul Waldman’s essay about the current power of the minority in American politics, the American Enterprise Institute’s Norman Ornstein offered a stunning bit of data on Twitter. In broad strokes, Ornstein is correct. The Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service of the University of Virginia analyzed Census Bureau population projections to estimate each state’s likely population in 2040, including the expected breakdown of the population by age and gender. Although that data was released in 2016, before the bureau revised its estimates for the coming decades, we see that, in fact, the population will be heavily centered in a few states. Eight states will have just under half of the total population of the country, 49.5 pe

From ‘Ku Kluxism’ to Trumpism

Opinion|From ‘Ku Kluxism’ to Trumpism Opinion Charles M. Blow From ‘Ku Kluxism’ to Trumpism Sept. 5, 2021 By Charles M. Blow Opinion Columnist One hundred years ago this week, The New York World began to publish a 21-part explosive exposé on the inner workings of the Ku Klux Klan. It was a sensation. At least 18 other newspapers across the country ran The World’s bombshell reporting. According to The Columbia Journalism Review, “The series drew two million readers nationwide. New Yorkers stood in line for copies. And the Justice Department and several congressmen promised to investigate the group.” The World would win a Pulitzer Prize for its efforts. But, as I read through that coverage to write this column, I was struck by just how resilient Klan ideology has been in the years since The World exposed the group’s systems and rituals; its ideas have been repackaged and dressed up — or, disrobed, as it were — but the core tenets remain the same. I was even struck by how many o

Texas Elections are Safe

Praise the Lord and the Texas Legislature. Finally, after all-night debates, emergency legislative sessions, walkouts, marches and desperate escapes to Washington D.C., lawmakers have sent a bill to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk that will restore the integrity we never knew we lost in our elections here in the Great State of Texas. When Senate Bill 1 becomes law, we will breathe a sigh of relief that Texas elections — where voter fraud makes up a menacing .000185 percent of votes cast — will finally be deemed safe for the purposes of Republican campaign speeches, TV spots and glossy mailers. Join us, Texans, in rejoicing. Watch the pendulum, feel your eyes growing heavy and repeat after us: Our elections are safe. We can no longer vote in a drive-thru polling place — not even during a global pandemic. Our elections are safe. We get one more hour of early voting on weekdays and we can fix problems with absentee ballots but we can no longer vote at midnight after the late shift, no matt