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Showing posts from December, 2021

january 6 Gina. Rosanne. Guy.

january 6 Gina. Rosanne. Guy. Share Tweet Pin It 33 january 6 8:00 A.M. Gina. Rosanne. Guy. What do you do the day after you storm the Capitol? By Kerry Howley From top, Gina Bisignano, Rosanne Boyland, and Guy Reffitt. Photo-Illustration: John Ritter They can’t arrest us all,’’ a future defendant had posted days before, and this was the vibe in the moment, the ecstatic invulnerability that leads someone to smear feces on the floor of the building in which the most powerful country on earth writes its rules. The worry set in later, when the swarm resolved into 9,000 separate bodies in separate homes in separate beds. At first it was just a feeling, watching the news, as the word rally gave way to the word riot, that the mood of the day had not carried onward into the present. The FBI was at the airport, someone heard. A friend had been arrested. One hundred arrests in the first two weeks. There were photographs on the FBI’s web page and online sleuths trawling for clues. There