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Showing posts from August, 2022

Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History October 26, 2020 Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History posted at 4:45 pm by David Halperin Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History This website focuses on corruption of American politics and policy, so we’ve been busy for four years. Donald Trump, with a few months left in his presidential term, is the most corrupt president in U.S. history — meaning he has, more than any predecessor, used his powerful job to advance his own financial, political, and personal interests, and those of his cronies and patrons. Here are 10 of the biggest reasons why Trump deserves this terrible distinction: 1. Instead of draining the swamp, he’s made it much dirtier. Candidate Trump famously promised to drain the DC swamp. But President Trump has given top administration jobs to people — including Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Tom Price, Diane Auer Jones,

Trump's Scandals are Never Done

Trump’s Scandals Are Never Done Trump US Nuclear Documents •100+The Atlantic by David A. Graham / August 13, 2022 at 05:09AM//keep unread//hide Is this article about Military? YES NO Although there are many rivals for the title, this week’s FBI search at Mar-a-Lago, the apparent mishandling of classified information that led to it, and the political fallout since is close to the paradigmatic Donald Trump scandal. The story is at once totally new and unexpected and yet entirely of a piece with everything we know and have seen from Trump. Both Trump and his most bitter opponents have noted that the search of a former president’s home is unprecedented—Trump to claim it was unjust, his critics to highlight his misdeeds—but it shares three important characteristics with previous Trump scandals. First, Trump is singularly terrible at keeping secrets. Second, Trump always says that what Democrats, especially Barack Obama, did was worse or caused it. Third, there are always more developments

The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God Greta Christina August 03, 2022 The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God Woman praying (Shutterstock). The following is an excerpt from Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godlessby Greta Christina. The book is available electronically on Kindle and Nook. "But just because religion has done some harm -- that doesn't mean it's mistaken! Sure, people have done terrible things in God's name. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist!" Yup. If you're arguing that -- you're absolutely right. And the question of whether religion is true or not is important. It's not the main point of this book: if you want more thorough arguments for why God doesn't exist, by me or other writers, check out the Resource Guide at the end of this book. But "Does God exist?" is a valid and relevant question. Here are my