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Showing posts from February, 2023

The Bible is Fiction: A Collection Of Evidence DanielMiessler The Bible is Fiction: A Collection Of Evidence Read Time: 9 minutes Created/Updated: December 17, 2019 screen-shot-2014-12-11-at-7.03.55-pm Similarities to Other Stories Unavoidable Contradictions The Logical Explanation Similarities to Other Stories The similarities between the stories and characters in the Bible and those from previous mythologies are both undeniable and well-documented. This would be obvious if it weren’t for early indoctrination of these beliefs into children, which usually makes them unassailable as adults. In this short piece I’ll attempt to show extraordinary similarities with regard to two of the most important Biblical narratives: the Genesis story and the character of Jesus Christ. The Book of Genesis’s Flood Story Mirrors The Epic Of Gilgamesh From Hundreds Of Years Earlier Here are a number of elements that both Gilgamesh and the flood story i

A Brief Russia-Ukraine Timeline

2016 - Russia helps Trump get elected with an internet trolling farm and fake Facebook accounts. 2016 - Trump says NATO is obsolete. 2016 - Trump hires campaign manager Paul Manafort, who previously worked for Putin's puppet governor of Ukraine. 2018 - During a NATO meeting, John Bolton, National Security Advisor under Trump, fears that Trump came close to announcing he was going to pull the US out of NATO. 2018 - Trump says NATO is as bad as NAFTA. 2019 - Trump privately tells his advisers he want to pull the US out of NATO. Word gets out. Both Republicans and Democrats in both the House and the Senate start legislation to stop Trump from leaving NATO. 2019 - Trump abandons our allies, the Syrian Kurds. Russian troops move into one of our former military bases in Syria. Syria, a Russian ally, regains some of its territory. 2019 - Trump's Defense Secretary, Jim Mattis, resigns in protest of Trump's decision to abandon the Syrian Kurds. 2019 - Trump withholds militar

I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside

I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside Elon Musk Twitter Biden •The Atlantic by Rumman Chowdhury / February 17, 2023 at 11:19AM//keep unread//hide Leo has found 1 Leadership Changes mention in this article He has installed a new head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, who has a reputation for appeasing him. Everyone has an opinion about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. I lived it. I saw firsthand the harms that can flow from unchecked power in tech. But it’s not too late to turn things around. I joined Twitter in 2021 from Parity AI, a company I founded to identify and fix biases in algorithms used in a range of industries, including banking, education, and pharmaceuticals. It was hard to leave my company behind, but I believed in the mission: Twitter offered an opportunity to improve how millions of people around the world are seen and heard. I would lead the company’s efforts to develop more ethical and transparent approaches to artificial intelligence as the engin