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Showing posts from June, 2023

Darya Folsom

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

THE NATIONAL INTEREST 4:22 P.M. John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt against Trump. By Jonathan Chait, who’s been a New York political columnist since 2011. Former special counsel John Durham, who tried and utterly failed to prove that the Russia investigation was a vast anti-Trump conspiracy, testified Wednesday before the House about his work. Durham’s hearing interestingly revealed a possible explanation for why he threw away a sterling reputation to work with William Barr fruitlessly pursuing a right-wing conspiracy theory: The man seems to have become so hopelessly brain-poisoned by Fox News he has lost all touch with facts outside the Republican information bubble. More specifically, Durham seemed to be unaware of the major factua


LIBERALS___________Vs.__________CONSERVATIVES Expansive______________________ Reductive Inclusive_______________________ Exclusive Proactive_______________________ Reactionary Educate _______________________ Imprison Head Start _____________________ Juvenile Home Privacy ________________________ Invasive Pro Choice _____________________ No Choice All the ships rise________________ Zero Sum Game Generous ______________________ Greedy Love __________________________ Fear Find Solution __________________ Assess Blame Share _________________________ Hoard Community _____________________ Individual Consensus _____________________ My Way or the Highway Compromise ____________________ Strong Arm Environmentalism_______________Corporatism Spiritual________________________ Dogmatic Tolerant________________________ Intolerant Co-operate______________________Dominate Placate_________________________Aggravate Welfare________________________ Warfare Serve__________________________ Protect Defend__

The Shokin Firing

Mykola Zlochevsky was the founder of Burisma. He was a corrupt, pro-Russian oligarch. Viktor Shokin was the Ukrainian prosecutor. Also corrupt and pro-Russian. The US Congress, as well as the EU and other entities across Europe wanted Ukraine to clean up the corrupt, pro-Russian scum if they wanted any help in defending themselves against Russia or any other assistance from the West. Shokin refused to investigate certain corrupt, pro-Russian oligarchs, including Zlochevsky. Then VP Joe Biden was tasked with telling the Ukrainians in no uncertain terms that they needed to get rid of Shokin if they wanted future help or money. Ukraine ultimately fired Shokin and began investigating many corrupt people, including Zlochevsky, who got the hell out of Ukraine. He was last seen in Monaco, and had purchased Cypriot citizenship.

Trump Thrives in a Broken System. He’ll Get Us There Soon.

OPINION THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Trump Thrives in a Broken System. He’ll Get Us There Soon. June 13, 2023 What if Mitch McConnell, at the close of his scalding speech on the Senate floor blaming Donald Trump for the riot that occurred at the Capitol on Jan. 6, had promised to use his every last breath to ensure that Trump was convicted on impeachment charges and could never, ever become president again? What if Melania Trump, after the porn star Stormy Daniels said Trump had unprotected sex with her less than four months after Melania gave birth to their son, had thrown all of Trump’s clothes, golf clubs, MAGA hats and hair spray onto the White House lawn with this note, “Never come back, you despicable creep!” What if the influential evangelical leader Robert Jeffress, after Trump was caught on tape explaining that as a TV star he felt entitled to “grab” women in the most intimate places — or after Trump was fou

I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson Sadly, keeping your old petrol car may be better than buying an EV. There are sound environmental reasons not to jump just yet Sat 3 Jun 2023 03.00 EDT 1,529 Electric motoring is, in theory, a subject about which I should know something. My first university degree was in electrical and electronic engineering, with a subsequent master’s in control systems. Combine this, perhaps surprising, academic pathway with a lifelong passion for the motorcar, and you can see why I was drawn into an early adoption of electric vehicles. I bought my first electric hybrid 18 years ago and my first pure electric car nine years ago and (notwithstanding our poor electric charging infrastructure) have enjoyed my time with both very much. Electric vehicles may be a bit