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Grandpa Trump's Letter

¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ヅ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_㋡_/¯🤷🤷 ♂(ツ)(ヅ)(ツ゚)㋡ت☝(ツ)✌(ツ)ᕦ(ツ)ᕤ(ツ)╭∩╮[̲̅$̲̅(ツ)$̲̅]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ಠ_ಠ¯\(°_o)/¯¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ ... 🤡
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Trump's felony criminal record since "election:"

    1- Found guilty of 2 fraud felonies-Trump Foundation and University
    2- Unindicted felony co-conspirator in Cohen/Daniels case
    3- Directly controlled SIX felons Stone, Manafort, Cohen, etc.
    4- "Serious and credible" evidence of WH criminality affirmed by IG
    5- Solicited/received unlawful aid from enemy Russia in 2016.
    6- 10 counts of well evidenced Obstruction of Justice in Russiagate
    7- Unlawfully solicited foreign aid for the 2020 election
    8- Is subject of a well-evidenced and damning impeachment inquiry
    9- Impeached by House Judiciary Cmte. for Obstruction of Congress.
    10-Impeached by House Judicary Cmte. for Abuse of Power as president.
We told you Jade Helm was kookoo, and you wouldn't listen.
We told you Seth Rich wasn't assassinated, and you wouldn't listen.
We told you Russians were meddling, and you wouldn't listen.
We told you Comet really was just a pizza shop, and you wouldn't listen.
We told you trump really didn't think Obama was a Kenyan, but you wouldn't listen
We told you that JFK Jr. wasn't Q, but you wouldn't listen
We told you Mexico wasn't going to pay for the wall, but you wouldn't listen
We told you Alex Jones was going to beg for forgiveness, but you wouldn’t listen
We told you Trump was going to make $$ off the Presidency, but you wouldn't listen
We told you Kim wasn't going to de-nuke, but you wouldn't listen
We told you they were never going to lock her up, but you wouldn't listen
We told you he would never show his taxes, but you wouldn’t listen
We told you his family was going to grift, but you wouldn't listen.
We told you Trump was going to ruin the environment, but you wouldn’t listen
We told you he had no problem with racists, but you wouldn’t listen
We told you he was going to favor Putin, but you wouldn't listen

We overthrew their democratic government to install a brutal dictator
We gave chemical weapons to Iraq to use against Iran
We tried to strangle their economy with sanctions
We shot down one of their civilian airliners, killing 200 Iranians including children
We surrounded their country with bases, troop placements and missiles
We conducted cyber attacks against their lawful nuclear enrichment facilities
We negotiated a peace deal and then immediately and flagrantly abandoned it
We pressured our allies to break the peace deal - despite no evidence Iran violated
Our allies decided to steal Iranian property - to enforce arbitrary sanctions
We tried to frame them for destroying Saudi and Japanese tankers
We violated their airspace with spy drones
We are violating their naval space with destroyers
Ruining ourselves is something the United States is doing now in four ways. One is political polarization. A second is restrictions on voting, because democracy is a good thing. Democracy is, as Winston Churchill said, “the worst form of government except for all others that have been tried.” With restrictions on voting, we are undermining our democracy. We have reduced socioeconomic mobility in America so that it is now lower than in any other major democracy. We are reducing government investment for the public good.
Here is Friedrich Trump's letter in full, translated from German by Austen Hinkley:

Most Serene, Most Powerful Prince Regent! Most Gracious Regent and Lord!

I was born in Kallstadt on March 14, 1869. My parents were honest, plain, pious vineyard workers. They strictly held me to everything good — to diligence and piety, to regular attendance in school and church, to absolute obedience toward the high authority.

After my confirmation, in 1882, I apprenticed to become a barber. I emigrated in 1885, in my sixteenth year. In America I carried on my business with diligence, discretion, and prudence. God’s blessing was with me, and I became rich. I obtained American citizenship in 1892. In 1902 I met my current wife. Sadly, she could not tolerate the climate in New York, and I went with my dear family back to Kallstadt.

The town was glad to have received a capable and productive citizen. My old mother was happy to see her son, her dear daughter-in-law, and her granddaughter around her; she knows now that I will take care of her in her old age.

But we were confronted all at once, as if by a lightning strike from fair skies, with the news that the High Royal State Ministry had decided that we must leave our residence in the Kingdom of Bavaria. We were paralyzed with fright; our happy family life was tarnished. My wife has been overcome by anxiety, and my lovely child has become sick.

Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree — not to mention the great material losses it would incur. I would like to become a Bavarian citizen again.

In this urgent situation I have no other recourse than to turn to our adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved, with the most humble request that the highest of all will himself in mercy deign to allow the applicant to stay in the most gracious Kingdom of Bavaria.

Your most humble and obedient,

Friedrich Trump
He didn't take care of our vets
He didn't lock her up
He is not a great negotiator
He didn't bring coal OR steel jobs back
He doesn't hire the best people
He didn't get Mexico to pay for a Wall
He isn't the only one that can fix everything
He doesn't negotiate the best trade deals
He didn't replace Obamacare with a better plan
His tax cuts didn't help the middle class
He didn't end the missile threat from North Korea
He didn't get the most votes in 2016
He didn't win the election without help from Russia
He didn't keep the House of Representatives in 2018
He didn't get better NAFTA Trade Deal with Mexico
He didn't stop Sex Trafficking even at his own Country Club
He didn't add the citizenship question to the census
He didn't reduce the deficit
He didn't stop the carnage
He doesn't have the Greatest Economy Ever...
Category 5 Hurricane!: I never heard of Category 5, did they just invent it?


Missed Climate Meeting b/c “I was meeting with Modi & Merkel”: Modi & Merkel were at the meeting 🙄

NUKE THE WEATHER!!: yes, he really did say it.


Mueller: "Russia Interfered" : Trump: PUT RUSSIA BACK IN "G" GROUP!!!

Jews are DISLOYAL: Nazis are FINE PEOPLE

“I only hire the BEST people!”: Scaramucci is a “Mental Wreck, and a Dope!”

“Tariffs do not hurt Americans!”: “I’m cancelling tariffs because they hurt Americans”

“Trade wars are easy to win!”: Folds on Chinese Tariffs

“YOU’RE FAT, GO EXERCISE!”: “Our movement is built on LOVE!”

“I’m not a racist!”: calls London Mayor “Nipple of Londonistan”

“Rat infested America, no human would want to live in Cummings’ district.” (calling Baltimore residents sub-human): Vile blatant racism

“Go back to your country”: Vile blatant racism told to 4 AMERICAN Congresswomen of color

“I will order census question”: Total Bluff

“The kidney is in the heart”: Failed Anatomy 101

“The Revolutionary Army took over airports”: Failed American History 101

I never called her "Nasty": It's on the fuc4ing tape.

I never said Russia helped me get elected: Actually tweeted the words “Russia helped me get elected”

Mexico will pay for the wall: Americans will be paying for the wall

China will pay the tariffs: Americans are paying for the tariffs

Dems colluded with Russia: Trump colluded with Russia

Dems are Nazis: Trump literally invites Nazis into the Oval Office

I want a $2 TRILLION Infrastructure deal: He never wanted that.

Mexican tariffs: 5%-25%: Will never happen, Trump is bluffing (DIDN’T HAPPEN DEAL WAS MADE BEFORE TRUMP EVER TWEETED ABOUT IT)

Republicans: the party of health care!!!: Not one single Health Care plan offered

Bone Spurs Draft Dodger: Hates vets who are captured and killed

I'm an extremely stable genius: [laughing to hard to type out a cogent reply, as if it needed one]


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