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The Big List Tom Greenwood (310) 947-1030 Republicans possess an absolute presumption of moral and intellectual superiority, a grim self-righteousness, a hardened defiance to any challenge that their fascist white supremacist "Christian" ideology is the only truth. Stewart Rhodes said, "Just the same as the founders did, they exhausted all their peaceful means, but they also rallied more people to the cause, won more people over and steeled them up and hardened them, got them ready for the confrontation. That's what we have to do." ☝️πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‰ 🀷🏼‍♂️ πŸš—πŸš“πŸš•πŸ›ΊπŸš™πŸšŒπŸšπŸšŽπŸš‘πŸš’πŸššπŸš›πŸšœπŸš˜πŸš”πŸš–πŸšπŸ¦½πŸ¦ΌπŸ›ΉπŸš²πŸ›΄πŸ›΅πŸ 🎻The five stages of grief are: denial. anger. bargaining. depression. acceptance. 2016: "You lost, get over it" πŸŽƒ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ President Joe Biden πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ USA! USA! USA! Biden won by 7 million votes nationwide (81,268,924) Biden won 51 percent of the popular vote, a larger percentage than any Democrat since 1964, save Barack Obama's victory in 2008. He won 306 electoral votes & every state certified He won MI/WI/PA by 3x as much as Trump Trump lost 60 court cases Supreme Court won’t overturn the results LET'S GO DONALD! ┌П┐(▀̿ΔΉ̯▀̿̿) ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... "No Mr. President, it's not ANTIFA or's MAGA."- Kevin McCarthy, Jan. 6, 2021 'You can't love your country only when you win': President Joe We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery, risk their lives to defend the men and women who serve in this Capitol.—Ted Cruz "The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding...And a fact-finding commission would be prudent." -- Kevin McCarthy, January 13, 2021 Lie: The rioters were completely unarmed Lie: The rioters were merely protesting a 'rigged' election Lie: The rioters were invited into the Capitol by police Lie: The jailed rioters are nonviolent political prisoners Lie: January 6 was a false flag attack :omgomgomg :bye6 :crazyface :sillyface2 :fistshake1 :laugh :laugh1a :sun :spank00 :omg :hello :crazy :yes :rofl :dance :lmao :no :fight :maybe :wave :alien :hattip :hat :love :boring :mad :hug :help :goddamn :kiss :BOOTYSHAKE :fantastic :shrug :shy :computer :baby (binky) :amazing :hey (brown waving hand) :faint :ghost :blowkiss :bounce :yawning :funny :throb (pulsing heart) :sing :singing :moon :mask :thumb :banana :bbhello33 :babosoporbelu :mclap :SmokeWeed :PartyKirby :raveshroom :mwink :blush6654432 :heart attack “We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.” “After this we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you,” These miscreants all seem to have the same overbearing countenance, even the women. “The Republican Party is an organized conspiracy for the purposes of maintaining power for self-interest and the self-interest of its donor class,” Schmidt said. 14th A: "no person shall ... hold any office, civil or military," who, "having previously taken an oath ... to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof." 18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection U.S. Code
 prev | next Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. "Trump summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by the president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.” Liz Cheney "There's no question -- none -- that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day," McConnell said in a speech following the vote that led to Trump's acquittal. "These criminals were carrying his banners. Hanging his flags. And screaming their loyalty to him." Pissboy Donnie received a letter via the Iranian President, with a weird looking code: 370HSSV 0773H. Confused, he sent it to the FBI & CIA, who, also unable to decipher it, sent it to British MI6. Minutes later the British replied: “Tell Trump he's holding the letter upside down” New York is the birthplace of America’s high priest of malevolent narcissism Reading about Kooky-pants again, his mob ties, his cretinous pronouncements, his utter, absolute, and Rushmore-sized self-delusion, I find myself bewildered, in the original sense of the word. How could such a completely spent, wadded up, grease and catsup and velveeta and mustard stained cheeseberder wrapper have ever become presnit?  “He offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism: a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued,” Perry said. “Let no one be mistaken – Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded.” -- Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‘πŸΏ πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸΎ πŸ‘πŸΌ ᕦ(Γ²_Γ³Λ‡)α•€. 卐 α›Ÿ 卐 ┌П┐(▀̿ΔΉ̯▀̿̿)πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΏπŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸΎ [卐] JesΓΊs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  † Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(γƒ…)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_㋡_/¯πŸ€·πŸ€· ♂(ツ)(γƒ…)(ツ゚)㋡Ψͺ☝(ツ)✌(ツ)ᕦ(ツ)α•€(ツ)╭∩╮[̲̅$̲̅(ツ)$̲̅]( ͡° ͜Κ– ͡°)ΰ² _ΰ² ¯\(°_o)/¯¯\_( ͡° ͜Κ– ͡°)_/¯ ( ͡° ͜Κ– ͡°). Matt Gaetz: Second Amendment Exists for ‘Armed Rebellion Against the Government’ Talk about half-cocked. Florida Republican Rep. (and alleged sexual predator) Matt Gaetz claimed the Second Amendment exists so that the people can be well-armed enough to overthrow their government, an alarming if legally incorrect bit of saber-rattling just months after a (poorly armed) insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. " . . . The Second Amendment is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government, if that becomes necessary,” This claim is patently false The Constitution does not include an insurrection / self-destruct clause. Since Reagan republicans have brought us 3 wars, 5 recessions (2 of which bordered the Great Depression), 122 mass shootings, killed the middle class, denied climate change, created 80% of the $28 trillion national debt, attempted to remove health care from 30 million people 70 different times, successfully fought to allow big pharma to raise drug prices by over 985%, denied a worldwide pandemic which led to the deaths of over half a million Americans, attempted and supported storming the US Capitol attempting to kill off American Democracy. ****************************** ****** Novelist Hari Kunzru has a special way with words.. "Mike Pence, you repressed joyless would-be witchfinder, every time you spoke you always looked like you were straining to expel an enormous bolus of your own hypocrisy from your clenched sphincter. Betsy DeVos, you blandly foolish soulless entitled child-stealing witch, rotting like a corpse inside your Chanel suit. All the generals, you spineless buzz-cut phallus-brained plastic Spartans fawning and wriggling to distract yourself from your moral cowardice. Kayleigh McEnenay, you evacuated husk of a mean-girl cheerleader, the cavity where your heart once was pumped full of spite and moronic lies. Bill Barr, you vast pompous pus-filled bladder of casuistry, you are an enemy of justice, bloated with resentment and cruelty, wobbling like a jelly at the feet of the oligarchs. Jared Kushner, you vacuous dainty preening overpromoted nub of mediocrity, squeezed like an entitled smear of toothpaste into a silk suit bought with tear-stained dollars wrung out of the suffering tenants of your slum apartments. Ivanka Trump, you monstrous slug of vanity, you infantile ninny so marinated in self-regard that in your pea brain you believe we ought to love you for your crimes. Mike Pompeo, you bubble, you booby, you flatulent zero, that roiling in your ample guts that you mistake for world shaking significance is just the acid reflux of irrelevancy. Don Junior, you scabrous single-nostriled unloved elephant-murdering human wreckage, vibrating with bitterness and impotent rage at all the opportunities you’ve squandered. Sarah Sanders, you crude hulking beetle-browed bully, working your multiple chins as you masticated another stinking quid of falsity, spitting again and again on the people you were supposed to inform. Interlude: all you staffers and interns, so eager to crunch your way in your shiny new work shoes over the bodies of the poor and powerless, I smite you and cast you out one by one. Eric Trump, you pallid clammy suppurating nocturnal semi-human grub, your absence of charisma is your only notable trait and the act of flushing you from memory will so be smooth and painless that in a month people will find it hard to picture your moon face. Rudy Giuliani, you capering cartoonish skull-faced bag of graft and corruption, too stupid even to ask who’s pulling your strings just so long as you can cake your crusty face in tv make-up and clack your jaw at a camera. And of course Stephen Miller, you weeping pustule upon the social body, you dreg, you homunculus, you noxious slime felched from the gaping cavity of Jim Crow, one day may you find yourself walking barefoot across hot sand, desperate for water, crying for your missing child. standards of masculinity measured by blue-collar standards. . . . “courage, honesty, respect, an economy of words, a bit of modesty, and a willingness to take responsibility.” Donald Trump displays none of these characteristics. Donald Trump: “He wears bronzer, loves gold and gossip, is obsessed with his physical appearance, whines constantly, can’t control his emotions, watches daytime television, enjoys parades and interior decorating, and used to sell perfume.” Donald personally set up a date and time and called his supporters from around the country to "a wild time". Then he goes and tells them to fight harder, and to march on the Capitol. He then, after they ransack the place, tells them he loves them FBI: "We have determined that no members of the left-wing movement Antifa were involved in the storming of the Capitol.” In a few decades from now, when historians will look back into the death of the Republican Party, they will find that a combination of factors led to the demise of Abraham Lincoln's party. - First, the takeover of that party by a mentally unstable demagogue - Second, the cowardice and opportunism of the Republican lawmakers who have totally submitted to a junk tyrant. - Third, right-wing narrow-minded fanatics such as Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and their QAnon friends - Fourthly the exultation and expansion of neo-Nazi groups, racists, white supremacists and other cave-age extremists and conspiracy groups most of which are GOP sympathizers - Finally, the rise of irresponsible right-wing medias, null in journalism but experts in propaganda. These complacent media in their quest for ratings would peddle all sorts of crap, even if it means encouraging the destabilization of the United States. “This is the only president in American history who incited an insurrection against Congress that could have resulted in assassinations and hostage-taking and, conceivably, the cancellation of a free presidential election and the fracturing of a democracy,” Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me. “That’s a fact, and it won’t change in 50 years. It’s very hard to think of a scenario under which someone might imagine some wonderful thing that Donald Trump did that will outshine that. He did, literally, the worst thing that an American president could ever do.” Question: What is a good description of the prototypical MAGA Trump supporter? Answer: Someone who would do anything to get into Mar-a-Lago, but whom Trump would allow in only to fix the plumbing. ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... STATED BELIEFS Of MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE - Democrats literally drink the blood of children
- Wayfair ships kidnapped children in cabinets
- JFK Jr faked his death, now attends Trump rallies
- Tom Hanks was executed, replaced with clone
- Sandy Hook was faked by "crisis actors"
- Parkland was faked by "crisis actors"
- Charlottesville's Nazis were actors paid by Soros
- The woman killed in Charlottesville faked her death
- Hillary had Jeffrey Epstein killed
- Hillary had Antonin Scalia killed
- Hillary had Seth Rich killed
- Sex trafficking tunnels exist under Getty Museum
- Sex trafficking tunnels exist under the Alamo
- California's wildfires were caused by Jewish lasers fired from space
- Hurricane Maria was "steered" into Puerto Rico to hurt Trump
- COVID-19 was invented in a lab by Anthony Fauci
- Anthony Fauci holds the secret patent on a COVID vaccine
- Bill Gates plans to microchip the entire world
- Hillary murdered a child and wore his face as a mask
- 9/11 was an inside job
- No airliner ever hit the Pentagon
- RBG died in 2019 and was replaced with a body double
- The Las Vegas mass shooting was false flag Your 2021 Republican Party, folks. “The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts,” the lawsuit said. Kernberg described malignant narcissism as a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity). "It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree," Trump argued.
 Despite being charged with inciting an insurrection, Trump claimed to be a champion for the rule of law. "I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate. This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago," Trump argued, even though he only received 74.2 million votes and Joe Biden won by 7,052,770 votes. Trump then hinted about a comeback. "Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it! We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future," Trump said. Republicans have nothing to offer to the American people…. NOTHING! Healthcare - NOTHING, Education - NOTHING, Clean air and water - NOTHING, Reducing Global Warming – NOTHING, Improving Infrastructure - NOTHING Reducing National Debt - NOTHING Improving International Relations - NOTHING Protecting the Homeland from foreign (virus) invasion - NOTHING Just to be clear. In January, Texas Republicans introduced a bill to secede from the United States. Yesterday, the Texas governor and both senators (including Ted Cruz) asked Biden for an emergency declaration because their private electrical grid failed. Several years ago, Cruz voted against federal relief for New England states affected by Hurricane Sandy. Last year during rolling blackouts in California, Cruz and several other Texas Republicans shredded California Democrats for supposedly being at fault for the outages. Texas, a red state, did not go for Biden. Biden granted the emergency declaration without making fun of Texas, without bringing up the secession bill, without pointing out all the shit Cruz has said about him, and without criticizing the state’s decision to get off the national grid to evade federal regulations. He just did it. Because Texans are Americans, too. And they’re hurting, and need relief. Just to be clear, this is how a real President behaves. Rush Limbaugh made America worse. He made the media worse, he made his party worse, and he made our democracy worse. He made toxic masculinity worse. He made white nationalism worse. Actually, he made a wide spectrum of noxious bigotry worse. Even more, his twisted invective passed off as reasoned arguments made our collective intelligence worse. Rush Limbaugh left our country more angry, more divided, more stupid, more intolerant, more prejudiced, more arrogant and more incapable of solving any of our problems. Limbaugh created chaos and he fed off of it. There was never any moment when he wasn't trying to make everything worse so he could profit from his followers' fear and anger over it. “Well, that’s just your education talking,” continued Gohmert. “That’s how the press operates. You make things up with fake news. God runs this country, not all this fancy liberal critical thinking. God grants us everything.” The GOP is a diverse big tent party . Traditional conservatives , Libertarians , Evangelical Christians, White nationalists,
QAnon kooks , InfoWarriors , Alt-Right Identitarians , Ethnostatists , domestic terrorists .......all are welcome. Let's see the Real 4 tribes are... 1 - The totally ignorant (usually religious jobs) who need to latch on to any savior, fixated on Trump - 25% 2 - The white supremacists and garden-variety racists who feel America has been taken over by the foreigners (i.e. people of different color) who are 'taking their high-paying jobs' (never mind that most of them are barely educated, having spent all their time at bars) . They've latched on to a once-in-a-generation openly racist president - 50% 3 - The rich who use the GOP as a platform for tax breaks. They hate Trump but pretend to like him - 20% 4 - Decent Republicans (like Romney) who have no place in the GOP anymore - 5% right now the Senate is evenly split 50-50 and yet the 50 Senate Democrats represent nearly 42 million more Americans than the 50 Senate Republicans President Biden
United States government official
In two months, we’ve: - Passed the American Rescue Plan
- Administered 100 million shots
- Rejoined the Paris Agreement
- Reversed the transgender military and Muslim bans
- Expanded access to health care and voting
- Acted to end private prisons And we're just getting started. Trip/travel BB gun Pet Plants Theme park Video games/electronics Safari Reno/gambling Virtual reality goggles Watch “He offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism: a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued.” --Rick Perry “He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represent the values that the men and women in uniform are fighting for... I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.” -- Lindsey Graham -"This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies — practically every word that comes out of his mouth....The man is utterly immoral...a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.”-- Ted Cruz --“Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.” --Mitt Romney --“Yes, I am supporting Donald Trump, but I’m doing so despite the fact that I think he’s a terrible human being.” --Mick Mulvaney -“We drafted [during Vietnam] the lowest income level of America, and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur.”--John McCain - “He is a f*cking moron". – Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson There were two Lesser brothers. One was the evil of the two Lessers. The four steps they set forth to achieving demagoguery are: 1) Establish an enemy; 2) Tell simple stories with no regard for the truth; 3) Attack democratic institutions; 4) Create a cult of personality where you live above the law.  SOCIALISM: SOCIALIST PROGRAMS IN THE U.S. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AMBER ALERTS, AMTRAK. PUBLIC BEACHES, PUBLIC BUSING SERVICES. BUSINESS SUBSIDIES. THE CENSUS BUREAU. THE CIA. FEDERAL STUDENT LOANS. THE COURT SYSTEM, DAMS, PUBLIC DEFENDERS, DISABILITY INSURANCE. THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. THE EPA, FARM SUBSIDIES. THE FBI, THE FCC, THE FDA, FEMA. FIRE DEPARTMENTS FOOD STAMPS, GARBAGE COLLECTION, HEALTH CARE. PUBLIC HOUSING, THE IRS, PUBLIC LANDFILLS. PUBLIC LIBRARIES, MEDICARE, MEDICAID. THE MILITARY. STATE & NATIONAL MONUMENTS, PUBLIC MUSEUMS. NASA, THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, NPR. PUBLIC PARKS, PBS. THE PEACE CORPS, POLICE DEPARTMENTS PRISONS & JAILS, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SECRET SERVICE, SEWER SYSTEMS, SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES, SOCIAL SECURITY, PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (HIGHWAYS, ROADS, BRIDGES). USPS. VACCINES, VETERAN HEALH CARE, WELFARE. THE WHITE HOUSE. THE WIC PROGRAM. STATE ZOOS "Trump has an ace card up his sleeve," Fisher wrote, describing the scenario he looked upon as most favorable. "He plays it. The Deep State is arrested and hanged on the White House lawn for High Treason." The second scenario encapsulated his worst fears: "Trump fails, Biden gets installed…. Patriots are ineffective and we live under the rules of the elite pedophiles and chinese communist party." In a third scenario, with Trump failing to act, his supporters would take things into their own hands: "Trump fails, Biden gets installed…. Patriots show up in the millions with guns. They execute all treasonous members of government and rebuild." Donald J. Trump, 2017-2021 1st President in 28 years to not serve a 2nd term 1st President in 45 years not to release any of his tax returns 1st President in 89 years to lose the Presidency, the house and the Senate in a single term 1st President in 102 years to allow more than 120,000 Americans to die in a single virus outbreak 1st President in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice 1st President in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration 1st President ever to fail to hit a 50% approval rating at any point during their Presidency 1st President ever to accuse his predecessor of not being an American 1st President ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation 1st President ever to be impeached twice 1st President ever to have a member of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial 1st President ever to have an arrest warrant issued against him by a foreign nation 1st President ever to refuse to concede defeat 1st President ever to fail to ensure a peaceful transfer of power 1st President ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government Trump lied and covered up Trump praised China Trump told sick people to go to work Trump made fun of masks Trump told states to liberate Trump attacked scientists and doctors Trump said 15 to 0 Trump said the heat would make it go away Trump said over by Easter 2020 Trump and his entire staff and family caught covid Trump held 60 super spreader events Trump pushed fake cures They’re against the gays. They’re against immigrants. They’re against Muslims. They’re against foreigners. They’re against scientists. They’re against atheists. They’re against Liberals. They’re against the Democrats. They’re against the Media. They’re against teenage shooting survivors. They’re against athletes and entertainers. "See the Super Patriot. Hear him preach how he loves his country. Hear him preach how he hates "Liberals"... And "Moderates"... and "Intellectuals"... And "Activists"... and "Pacifists"... And "Minority Groups"... and "Aliens"... And "Unions"... and "Teenagers"... And the "Very Rich"... and the "Very Poor"... And "People With Foreign-Sounding Names". Now you know what a Super Patriot is. He's someone who loves his country While hating 93% of the people who live in it." At one point Trump addressed the specific indictment against the Trump Organization: They go after good, hard-working people for not paying taxes on a company car. “You didn’t pay tax on the car! Or a company apartment!” You used an apartment because you need an apartment because you have to travel too far where your house is, you didn’t pay tax, or education for your grandchildren. I don’t even know. Do you have to… does anybody know the answer to that stuff? Okay? But they indict people for that! 1. Tax the wealthy more. 2. Corporations should pay a minimum tax. 3. The Affordable Care Act was a step forward that should be built upon. 4. Gun violence in our nation is a problem not a feature. 5. Climate change is real. 6. Equal rights for gay and transgender people. 7. Voting should be made easier, not more difficult. My
Audited My
Arrested My
Away Moscow's
Accepted Moron And Grifter Accomplice Many Angry Geezers Armed "The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We're so beyond the routers, there's so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don't want to give up the routers. They don't want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?" Pro Trump Nationalism fraud patriot boy : Common characteristics of fascist movements -
Opposition to Marxism - opposition to parliamentary democracy - opposition to political and cultural liberalism
Totalitarian ambitions - conservative economic programs - Corporatism
Imperialism - Military values
Decadence and spirituality , Violence , Extreme nationalism , Scapegoating
Populism - Revolutionary image
Sexism and misogyny
Acceptance of racism
Identification with Christianity Average cases have increased nine-fold since early July Hospitalizations are highest since February Child and teen Covid-19 cases jumped 84% in a week Delta variant accounts for 93% of US Covid-19 casesMost Americans live in substantial or high Covid-19 spread areas More than 97% of Americans live in areas with “substantial” or “high” Covid-19 transmission, according to CDC data. “I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” - Trump, 1 month ago Old Trump Tweets on Afghanistan: The Tweets read; "Lets get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA." "We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives.If we have to go back in, we go back hard and quick. Rebuild the US first!" "Do not allow our very stupid leaders to sign a deal that keeps us in Afghanistan through 2024- with all costs by USA. Make America Great." Then as early as October 2020 while he was still in office, he tweeted; "We should have the small remaining number of our brave men and women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas" "Floyd Huckleberry from Gopher's Knob, down by the creek. Definitely the sort of person who should have an extra say in how we run our vast multicultural international superpower. They get to boss the rest of us and damage our democracy with threats of violence. I sound like a snob but I don't care, I'm so sick of these dumb violent rednecks. I just shake my head about the degraded state of American manhood, where brutish stupidity is a virtue and obese men dress like children, shouting things about MAH RIGHTS. It's dismal." Christian minister Dave Barnhart: "The unborn" are a convenient group to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."  The Anatomy of Fascism" (Harvard University Press, 2004): "Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion." Jan 03: Trump briefed on Coronavirus outbreak.  Jan 04: Golf Jan 05: Golf Jan 09: Rally Jan 14: Rally Jan 18: Golf Jan 19: Golf Jan 21: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China." Jan 22: “No, the Coronavirus won’t become a pandemic. Not at all.” Jan 28: Rally Jan 30: Rally Feb 01: Golf Feb 02: Golf Feb 10: Rally Feb 15: Golf Feb 16: Golf Feb 19: Rally Feb 20: Rally Feb 21: Rally Feb 26: "And the 15 in a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero." Feb 28: "Coronavirus. This is their 'new hoax.' You'll be fine." Feb 29: 1 dead Mar 07: Golf Mar 08: Golf Mar 13: "I don't take responsibility at all." Mar 16: "I give myself a 10.” Mar 19: "We’re not a shipping clerk." Mar 27: "We have done a job the likes of which nobody's seen." Mar 30: 3,150 dead Mar 31: Buy MyPillow™ Apr 05: Take two malaria pills and have your family call me in mourning. Apr 09: We are "crushing" the virus "more quickly than people thought." Apr 10: "The germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can't keep up." Apr 11: 24,445 dead Apr 13: "Everything we did was right." Apr 23: Inject disinfectant or boof UV light inside! Apr 28: 60,327 dead May 11: "We have met the moment, and prevailed." May 14: "If we didn't test we wouldn't have any cases." May 23: Golf May 24: Golf May 25: Golf May 26: 100,800 dead Jun 20: "I said slow the testing down, please." Jun 21: Golf Jun 23: Rally Jun 27: Golf Jun 28: Golf July 03: Rally July 04: Rally July 10: “We are in a good place.” July 12: Golf July 18: Golf July 19: “I’ve been right probably more than anybody else.” July 25: Golf  July 26: 150,000 dead We received a request to reset the password for an account at Unfortunately, we are not able to locate an account under the email address If you require further assistance you can contact the customer service department at 888-590-0030 THE BIDEN AGENDA - WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE? Upgrade National Infrastructure Paid family and medical leave Cut prescription drug prices Extended child tax credit Beat Covid Support Voting Rights Medicare expansion Police Reform Two free years of community college -- retrain workers Child care and universal pre-K fully funded Clean electricity performance program Support Women rights Immigration Reform Strengthen Union Rights Increased Justice Department funding Spacex and NASA together The corporate tax rate rises from 21% to 26%, Tax rate for over $400,000 income would rises from 37% to 39.6% Top capital gains rate rises from 20% to 25% Increased Small Business Association funding Foreign policy based on America's STRATEGIC interest Maintain US military edge 
And it's all paid for pretty comfortably by taxes on the rich. The 5 stages of vaccine denial. 1. It’s a Dem hoax. 2. Don't be a sheep. 3. Where’s my sheep dewormer? 4. Please donate to this Gofundme for hospital expenses. 5. Please donate to this Gofundme for funeral expenses. Most Americans know Adolf Hitler as the dictator who killed millions of Jews, gypsies, and others in extermination camps until he was defeated by the US and our allies in the Second World War. But fewer realize that he was democratically elected at a time when Germany was struggling to build a democracy. Once in office, he used legal means – along with the rage and resentments of his supporters – to transform Germany into a totalitarian state. 352 Golf games $350m spent on golf travel 1/5th time on vacation 675,000 + Americans dead from trumpandemic virus 5 dead from Fat Donny's Day of Treason Riot on Jan. 6th, 2021 27,800,000 Americans infected by trumpandemic virus 30,000,000 unemployed - Highest ever reported 600,000 private businesses closed 3,000,000 evictions 1,000,000 home/business foreclosures $5T to added US government debt $$$BB in lost revenue $150B welfare payments to farmers 3/yr $525M - Owed to Russian banks to laundry money 28,000+ - documented lies 220 criminal indictments 100s of children in cages 50 - convictions of campaign officials 25 - woman assaulted 24 - missiles launched by NK 10+ Prison convictions 8 - Meetings with Putin who denied paying Taliban to kill Americans 5 - Love letters sent to Kim Jong-Un 3 - Euro Trash Tramp escort wives 2 - Impeachments: bribery, treason, extortion, insurrection 2 - Porn actresses paid $300,000 1 - 13 year old girl raped 1 - Recession 0 - Miles of wall paid for by MexicoON MUSK THROWS A S--T FIT OVER THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING TAXED HIS FAIR SHARE


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