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Light and Bleach

One of the greatest moments of American history “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world,” Trump began, clearly thinking the question himself, “So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. It sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Did the Tesla Story Ever Make Sense?

Did the Tesla Story Ever Make Sense? Dec. 27, 2022 A photo illustration including a portrait of Elon Musk in a gilt frame, overlaid over an image of a blue Tesla vehicle that has been wrecked in a crash test. Credit...Illustration by Sam Whitney/The New York Times; photographs by Patrick Pleul, via Picture Alliance, Chip HIRES, and Tomekbudujedomek, via Getty Images 2.4K Paul Krugman By Paul Krugman Opinion Columnist You’re reading the Paul Krugman newsletter, for Times subscribers only. A guide to U.S. politics and the economy — from the mainstream to the wonkish. Get it in your inbox. If you’re one of those people who bought Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency near its peak last fall, you’ve lost a lot of money. Is it any consolation to know that you would have lost a similar amount if you had bought Tesla stock instead? OK, probably not. Still, Tesla stock’s plunge is an opportunity to talk about what makes b

Putin’s fascists: the Russian state’s long history of cultivating homegrown neo-Nazis Edition: Available editions United States Donate Get newsletter Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in The Conversation Academic rigor, journalistic flair COVID-19 Arts + Culture Economy Education Environment + Energy Ethics + Religion Health Politics + Society Science + Technology Podcasts Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP Putin’s fascists: the Russian state’s long history of cultivating homegrown neo-Nazis Published: March 21, 2022 3.05pm EDT Author Robert Horvath Senior lecturer, La Trobe University Disclosure statement Robert Horvath receives funding from Australian Research Council (ARC). Partners La Trobe University La Trobe University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. Many commentators have already debunked Russian President Vladimir Putin’s absurd claim to b

What the final stage of Reaganism looks like

What the final stage of Reaganism looks like Thom Hartmann December 16, 2022 What the final stage of Reaganism looks like The Republican war on reality started decades before Trump: Paul Krugman Back in 1981, when Ronald Reagan was sworn in and implicitly promised to destroy our government because it was “the problem,” many of us who strongly opposed him wondered what the final stage of Reaganism would look like. Now we know. We’re there. Violence toward women and minorities has exploded. Armed militias tried to assassinate the Vice President and Speaker of the House in an attempted coup directed by the Republican President of the United States. They tried to kidnap and murder the Democratic governor of Michigan. They’re blowing up power substations from Oregon to the Carolinas. They’ve embedded themselves in DHS, police departments, and our military. They’re coordinating with fascists overseas. Leading up to this moment was a 41-year politica

5 Reasons Why MAGA Conservatism Has Never Made Any Sense

5 Reasons Why MAGA Conservatism Has Never Made Any Sense Even on its own terms, MAGA doesn’t add up. BY PAUL STARR JANUARY 31, 2019 Expand shutterstock_735101602.jpg.jpe JOHN M. CHASE/SHUTTERSTOCK MAGA hats have become a symbol of support not just for Donald Trump but for a return to a lost world of white privilege. In the slogan “Make America Great Again,” the operative word is “again.” The slogan points vaguely to a time in the past when things were “great,” when white men were free to push black people, women, and immigrants around. But, for the sake of argument, let's admit the possibility of a more generous interpretation. In the wake of the Great Depression, many Americans during the mid-20th century—white Americans chiefly—experienced greater social mobility and economic security than at any time since. In the generous interpretation, “Make America Great Again” could mean let's rebuild an Ameri

The Exploitative Anti-Blackness of Kanye West

CHARLES M. BLOW The Exploitative Anti-Blackness of Kanye West Oct. 9, 2022 Among Kanye’s West’s defenders, the thinking goes like this: He is a genius, a freethinker, an elevated conscience. They may not like or agree with everything he does, but they applaud the man. There is a cult of Kanye, and I came to the opinion long ago that our society confers a special allure on cults, particularly when they are tied not to religion but to pop culture or politics. In those arenas, they feel fun, innocent, like rooting together for a favorite team. So I’m not here to argue about whether West is a genius, although when anyone refers to themselves as such, it tends to undercut the appellation. This newspaper itself has repeatedly called West a genius, so it would behoove him, I suppose, to run with the branding. But it has always seemed to me that West is aching to be considered a modern Mozart: the tortured genius. Of course


Opinion Obamagate was the worst crime ever committed and here is what it was Image without a caption By Alexandra Petri Columnist | Follow May 13, 2020 at 6:05 p.m. EDT It went all the way to the top, where Obama floated inside a sinister Masonic eye. (Scott Olson/Getty Images) “What is the crime exactly that you’re accusing him of?” “You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.” Sign up for a weekly roundup of thought-provoking ideas and debates — President Trump responding to Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker Obamagate began long ago, long before Trump even got elected, before he even knew he was running. It began before America, before time, in those early days when President Barack Obama lit the furnace of the sun, just before he fixed the paths of the planets in such a way that millennia in the future, Donald Trump would stare directly into a solar eclipse. And, of course, everyone knew abo

This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like

Opinion Alexei Navalny: This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like By Alexei Navalny September 30, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. EDT Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is serving a nine-year sentence in a maximum-security penal colony. This essay was conveyed to The Post by his legal team. What does a desirable and realistic end to the criminal war unleashed by Vladimir Putin against Ukraine look like? If we examine the primary things said by Western leaders on this score, the bottom line remains: Russia (Putin) must not win this war. Ukraine must remain an independent democratic state capable of defending itself. This is correct, but it is a tactic. The strategy should be to ensure that Russia and its government naturally, without coercion, do not want to start wars and do not find them attractive. This is undoubtedly possible. Right now the urge for aggression is coming from

American men are in crisis The Truth American men are in crisis Across education, marriage and employment, American men are struggling Liam Hackston Oct 13, 2021 Ten reasons why men think they are single - study | UK News | Sky News This is an unusual story for this newsletter. We normally cover strictly political stories, but not today. Today, we need to look at the way that men in America are struggling in ways that are interlinked, and how at the federal level, we can make life better for men without taking anything away from women. This starts at the education level. While college enrollment has decreased in full by 1.5 million over the last five years, 70% of that fall have been men. That means that just over 1 million men that would be going to college are no longer. In 1970, 57% of college students were men. Now, I’m not saying that that is good. I’d want that number to be less, to make it more equitable. However, that number is now only 40%. I

Biden Laid the Trap. Trump Walked Into It. Biden Laid the Trap. Trump Walked Into It. At his Pennsylvania rally, the former president gave exactly the narcissistic display his Democratic nemesis tried to provoke. By David Frum A black-and-white image of Donald Trump silhouetted in front of a draped American flag Andrew Kelly / Reuters September 4, 2022, 2:36 PM ET About the author: David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic. In 2016, Hillary Clinton warned that Donald Trump was a fool who could be baited with a tweet. This past Thursday night, in Philadelphia, Joe Biden upped the ante by asking, in effect: What idiot thing might the former president do if baited with a whole speech? On Saturday night, the world got its answer. For the 2022 election cycle, smart Republicans had a clear and simple plan: Don’t let the election be about Trump. Make it about gas prices, or crime, or the border, or race, or sex education, or anything—

The non-polarizing speech President Biden should have given

Opinion The non-polarizing speech President Biden should have given By Alexandra Petri My fellow Americans. I am the president of the United States ... maybe! To those of you who believe that although we have differences, we are still one nation, and to those of you who believe that I am spearheading a complicated, Satan-driven, child-snatching conspiracy with very detailed logistics that I can’t say I fully comprehend, I wish you equally a great Thursday! I am not here to give anybody a hard time. To those of you who say that violence is never the answer, and to those of you who say that violence is the answer right now, I say, Yup! This is a nation, after all, that honors the Constitution. Or doesn’t, if it doesn’t feel like it! Who am I to say who’s wrong and who is right? Maybe the president, but maybe just some guy! There is an election coming up. I think, and a lot of Americans do t

Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History October 26, 2020 Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History posted at 4:45 pm by David Halperin Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History This website focuses on corruption of American politics and policy, so we’ve been busy for four years. Donald Trump, with a few months left in his presidential term, is the most corrupt president in U.S. history — meaning he has, more than any predecessor, used his powerful job to advance his own financial, political, and personal interests, and those of his cronies and patrons. Here are 10 of the biggest reasons why Trump deserves this terrible distinction: 1. Instead of draining the swamp, he’s made it much dirtier. Candidate Trump famously promised to drain the DC swamp. But President Trump has given top administration jobs to people — including Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Tom Price, Diane Auer Jones,

Trump's Scandals are Never Done

Trump’s Scandals Are Never Done Trump US Nuclear Documents •100+The Atlantic by David A. Graham / August 13, 2022 at 05:09AM//keep unread//hide Is this article about Military? YES NO Although there are many rivals for the title, this week’s FBI search at Mar-a-Lago, the apparent mishandling of classified information that led to it, and the political fallout since is close to the paradigmatic Donald Trump scandal. The story is at once totally new and unexpected and yet entirely of a piece with everything we know and have seen from Trump. Both Trump and his most bitter opponents have noted that the search of a former president’s home is unprecedented—Trump to claim it was unjust, his critics to highlight his misdeeds—but it shares three important characteristics with previous Trump scandals. First, Trump is singularly terrible at keeping secrets. Second, Trump always says that what Democrats, especially Barack Obama, did was worse or caused it. Third, there are always more developments

The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God Greta Christina August 03, 2022 The top 10 reasons I don't believe in God Woman praying (Shutterstock). The following is an excerpt from Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godlessby Greta Christina. The book is available electronically on Kindle and Nook. "But just because religion has done some harm -- that doesn't mean it's mistaken! Sure, people have done terrible things in God's name. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist!" Yup. If you're arguing that -- you're absolutely right. And the question of whether religion is true or not is important. It's not the main point of this book: if you want more thorough arguments for why God doesn't exist, by me or other writers, check out the Resource Guide at the end of this book. But "Does God exist?" is a valid and relevant question. Here are my