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He Said

He said he wouldn't have time to play golf. He said he wouldn't spend three hours every day doing his hair and makeup. He said he would repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something "beautiful." He said he would raise taxes on the rich. He said his tax cuts to the rich would result in every American getting a $6,000/year raise. He said he would eliminate the federal debt. He said he would bring down the price of prescription drugs. He said he would bring back coal mining jobs. He said Mexico would pay for a border wall. He said he would lock up Hillary Clinton; He said he would end DACA. He said he would get North Korea to give up their nukes. He said he would release his tax returns. He said he would end the opioid crisis. He said he would negotiate a better Iran nuclear deal. He said he would get colleges to reduce tuition. He said he would bring back steel jobs. He said he would negotiate a better deal than the Paris Climate Accord. He said he would approve the Keystone XL pipeline extension. He said he would not take any vacations. He said he would pass an infrastructure bill. He said he would grow the US economy by 4% a year. He said he would end all funding to so-called sanctuary cities. He said he would deport every undocumented immigrant. He said he would eliminate Common Core. He said he would end birthright citizenship. He said he would impose the death penalty for cop kiIIers. He said he would bring back waterboarding. He said he would ban Muslims entering the US. He said he would eliminate the carried interest loophole and alternative minimum tax. He promised six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother. He said hydroxychloroquine cured COVID. He said coronavirus would "go away without a vaccine."


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